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Neues BildAs a church we are pursuing the following vision and calling, which are taken from the bible and transferred into our situation:

growing inside and outside - to God‘s glory

We want o bring people closer to Jesus and by inviting them to our church, we help them to grow in spiritually and in their personality. We want to encourage them to contribute to the church with their God-given gifts. We encourage everybody to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and take responsibility for our society.

As a constant concept for our church work, we use these „seven criteria“:

1.    Moving church services (teaching of God‘s word, prayer, worship, testimony, companionship)
2.    Spirited small-groups (companionship, teaching, prayer, basic counseling, evangelization)
3.    Responsible leadership (serving, empowering, supporting, encouraging)
4.    Proper structures (easy, clearly laid out, transparent, flexible)
5.    Loving care (deacons within the church, counseling, social ministries)
6.    Continuous lifestyle of evangelization (personal life style, church events, mission organizations)
7.    Being an active part of worldwide mission (sending, supporting, financing, praying)

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EFG Wiedenest
Bahnhofstr. 28
51702 Bergneustadt

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