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As EFG Wiedenest we are connected to other churches and ministries. We feel a strong connection to the persecuted christians. Our thoughts and prayers are with them. For more information on the persecuted christians go to Open Doors Germany.
As a church we belong to the in Germany Union of Evangelical Free Churches.

Within the brethren movement in Germany we belong to the AGB (Network of brethren churches). We are connected to all the other churches in Bergneustadt, among others to the Evangelische Allianz Bergneustadt. We are specially connected to the Forum Wiedenest e.V. Through the AGB and the Forum Wiedenest e.V. we feel a strong connecting to christians worldwide from all denominations and nationalities.
We are also part of the world wide „Brethren Movement“ ( and

                                     AGB   newibcmlogo



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EFG Wiedenest
Bahnhofstr. 28
51702 Bergneustadt

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